Levenslang stands for open minds & bodies. The space is for everyone, by everyone. Upon entering the club, you agree to contribute to a free, safe evening.
There is no room for discrimination, racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia in any form. Your camera will still be there tomorrow, so leave it in your pocket.
We live in the moment and let everyone enjoy being in the moment. The energies shape the night; including your energy.
Always listen to the doorhost & team, don't hesitate to approach the team if you feel unsafe. And of course, enjoy and be kind to each other!
- Levenslang Amsterdam finds it important that everyone feels welcome. We therefore expect an open attitude from our visitors towards other guests and staff, regardless of their origin, gender, sexual orientation or religion;
- Levenslang Amsterdam does not tolerate any form of intimidation. Our staff is there for you if you experience or notice any form of harassment. Our employees are skilled and trained to ensure the safety of our visitors;
- Levenslang Amsterdam does not tolerate any form of vandalism;
- Visitors who exhibit aggressive, rowdy, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, racist or vandalistic behavior may be banned or removed from the site;
- Club visitors must be 18 years on Thursday and on Friday till Sunday 21 or older. In case of doubt, you can be asked to show identification. If you cannot identify yourself, our security will deny you access. You can also be asked for identification during the ongoing club night;
- If you want to enter Levenslang Amsterdam you agree that the security can search you. If you do not agree to this, access may be denied;
- Visitors who are visibly under the influence of alcohol or drugs upon arrival may be denied entry;
- In order to guarantee the atmosphere within Levenslang Amsterdam, larger groups, bachelor parties and other groups that might determine or influence the atmosphere within Levenslang Amsterdam can be denied entry;
- You are allowed to bring your dog and/or other pets into the restaurant of Levenslang Amsterdam. However, it is not allowed to bring your pet to club nights.
- Trade and/or possession of weapons is not allowed. Weapons found are confiscated and handed over to the police, for which reason the visitor will be refused entry. Levenslang Amsterdam reserves the right to hand over the person in question to the police;
- Trade and/or possession of drugs is not allowed. Drugs found are confiscated, for which reason the visitor can be denied entry;
- It is forbidden to bring any kind of liquid into the club;
- At Levenslang Amsterdam we are completely cashless! Exception to this could be entrance fees of third parties hosting an event at Levenslang Amsterdam;
- The lighting plan in Levenslang Amsterdam can cause attacks in people witha history of epilepsy or those who have had a stroke in the past. Levenslang Amsterdam places the responsibility with the visitor and is in no way liable for any suffering or damage that may arise as a result of entering Levenslang Amsterdam;
- If you have epilepsy, diabetes or other allergies for which you must carry medication with you at all times, make sure that you can show the security guards a doctor’s prescription. Ideally, there is someone with you who know show to administer the medication for you;
- Step out of the club and consult a security guard or staff member if you experience any of the following health problems or symptoms when exposed to flashing or flickering lights: sore eyes, changes in vision, migraines, muscle twitching, fits or other involuntary movements, temporary unconsciousness, impaired consciousness, or confusion or disorientation;
- Our doors close at 02:00 (exception: ADE). After this time, it is no longer possible to enter via door sale or with a ticket from the presale. We therefore advise you to come early and enjoy a long evening;
- Please only take your own belongings home. Leave our glasses or objects within our gates so that we can keep providing a cozy atmosphere for other visitors the next club night;
- Think of our neighbors and your own safety when you leave Levenslang Amsterdam. Leave as quietly as possible and do not linger on the street;
- Tickets does not guarantee entree. The doorhost/ticketscanner or security has the right to refuse entree. Tickets will not be refunded;
- Levenslang Amsterdam reserves the right to ban or remove visitors who do not adhere to the rules stated above;
- Finally, we think it is important that our visitors remain safe after they leave. The surrounding area of Levenslang Amsterdam is currently being built and thus currently uninhabited. Text your friends, check in with each other and take care of each other. If you or your friends need help getting home safely, please let our staff know so they can lend you a hand.
- Levenslang Amsterdam is not responsible for lost items, either on the premises or in the lockers. You can email to check if your lost items have been found;